Cornrows, which can also be referred to as track braids or flat braids, are simply braids that lay flat against the head. Cornrows have been traced back to ancient Greece, although they have the most history in Africa. For men and women, cornrows say a lot about who you are as a person. For example, in some cultures women who wear cornrows are seen as being well cared for, but also coming from a strong family because of how long it can take to complete. One assumption that many people make about cornrows is that only certain people can wear cornrows. This assumption is entirely untrue because anybody can wear cornrows. However, some people will have to take special steps when wearing cornrows to get the style to stay or look good. For example, white women or men who wish to wear cornrows will need to have at least 7 or 8 centimeters of hair to even wear cornrows, 10 centimeters is recommended if you want the style to last for any length of time. Something else that is different for wh...